Welcome to our latest entry, in which we explore the power of simple movements to enhance our everyday wellbeing.
In today’s fast-paced world, where many hours are spent sitting in front of a computer, it’s crucial to give our bodies regular breaks from movement.
The exercise we’re introducing today is specifically designed to relieve tension and boost circulation – and the best thing about it is that it can be done anytime, anywhere.
Whether you’re in the office between meetings or at home watching TV, these vertical and horizontal arm movements are a simple step towards a healthier you.

Arm movements for more energy

In this video, we show you an easy-to-implement exercise that is specifically designed to improve the flexibility of your arms while reducing tension in the shoulder and neck area. Ideal for a short, invigorating break in the office or as a start to the morning at home. Follow our instructions to perform the exercise correctly and get the maximum benefit from it.

Notes on the exercises:

  • Choose exercises that you enjoy.
  • Start slowly and pay attention to the correct execution.
  • If you feel pain, stop the exercise immediately.
  • Exercise should be fun – enjoy it!
  • Provide variety and change exercises regularly.
  • Equipment required: mat, stopwatch (smartphone), kitchen chair, skipping rope.
From the book „Das Osteopathie-Selbsthilfe-Buch“ by Liem, Tsolodimos. The osteopathy self-help book: exercises and practical tips for every day,

Order the osteopathy self-help book directly from Amazon

The latest book by Torsten Liem. The author is known and appreciated for his well-founded specialist books; he has also had osteopathy guidebooks/non-fiction books on the market for more than 20 years.

Das Liem Institut – Osteopathiezentrum zieht um! 

Ab Januar 2025 begrüßen wir Sie in unseren neuen, noch schöneren Räumlichkeiten:

📍 Rabenberg 11, Wellingsbüttel – nur 5 Minuten von unserem bisherigen Standort entfernt.
📍 Weidestraße 118c, Barmbek – in der Alstercity.

Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen und wünschen Ihnen eine besinnliche Weihnachtszeit sowie ein gesundes und großartiges Jahr 2025!

Ihr Osteopathiezentrum
Torsten Liem

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