Sitting Rising Test

The exercise was developed in the 1990s by Brazilian sports physician Claudio Gil Soares de Araújo and his wife Denise, a sports scientist, to test the mobility of athletes.
A study later revealed that the test can apparently give an indication of the expected life expectancy of 50-80-year-olds.

You can use the exercise to test and train your flexibility, strength and coordination.

Sitting Rising Test (video tutorial)

The Sitting Rising test is not suitable for people with chronic movement restrictions.

Version: Sitting-RISING-TEST

Ein violetter Kreis mit der Nummer 1 darauf steht für Osteopathie.

Stand up straight with your feet about shoulder-width apart.

Ein violetter Kreis mit der Zahl 2 steht für Kinderosteopathie.

Place one foot in front of the other as if you wanted to cross your legs.

Ein lila Kreis mit der Nummer 3 darauf.

Sit cross-legged without using your hands, letting yourself fall or supporting yourself.

Ein lila Kreis mit der Nummer 4 darauf.

Stand up again and return to the starting position without using your hands or knees, falling back or supporting yourself.

Order the osteopathy self-help book directly from Amazon

The latest book by Torsten Liem. The author is known and appreciated for his well-founded specialist books; he has also had osteopathy guidebooks/non-fiction books on the market for more than 20 years.

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Ihr Osteopathiezentrum
Torsten Liem

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