Torsten Liem

Unlocking the Power of Osteopathy

 Torsten Liem's transformative lectures, workshops, and seminars

Upcoming events with Torsten Liem


A man with glasses gives a lecture on osteopathy in Hamburg in front of a whiteboard.
A man gently holds the hand of a woman, showing the bond and connection between them.

Introducing Torsten Liem - Unlocking the Power of Osteopathy for Holistic Health

Welcome to the world of Torsten Liem, a distinguished osteopath and visionary in the realm of holistic health. With a profound understanding of the body's innate healing abilities and an unwavering dedication to promoting well-being, Torsten Liem is transforming lives through the power of osteopathy.

Unlock the potential of your body and embark on a journey of holistic healing as Torsten Liem invites you to explore his expertise in osteopathy. With decades of experience and a diverse range of qualifications, Torsten has pioneered academic teaching programs, authored renowned textbooks, and made significant contributions to the field.

His unique approach combines the principles of osteopathy, classical Chinese medicine, functional medicine, yoga, psychology, and energetic aspects, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the body-mind connection. Torsten Liem's unparalleled knowledge and proficiency in these disciplines empower him to address physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances, allowing for true holistic healing.

Prepare to be captivated as Torsten Liem takes you on a transformative voyage through his lectures, workshops, and seminars. Delve into captivating topics that span from craniosacral osteopathy to pediatric care from sports to morphodynamics and from fascia exploration to the integration of psychosomatic osteopathy. Each event is meticulously crafted to provide practical insights, actionable techniques, and a deep understanding of the body's intricate dynamics.

By attending Torsten Liem's events, you gain access to a wealth of wisdom, cutting-edge research, and hands-on experiential learning. With his dynamic teaching style and commitment to excellence, Torsten Liem ensures that you leave inspired, armed with newfound knowledge, and equipped to make a positive impact on your own health journey.

Are you ready to unlock your body's extraordinary healing potential? Join Torsten Liem's lectures, workshops, and seminars to discover the transformative power of osteopathy and embrace a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Embark on this remarkable path with Torsten Liem and let the wisdom of osteopathy guide you towards a vibrant, balanced, and harmonious life.

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Torsten Liem has conducted workshops and seminars across the globe for numerous renowned institutions, inspiring and empowering participants on their transformative journey.


Embark on a transformative journey guided by Torsten Liem's extensive expertise in the field of osteopathy as he hosts a diverse array of tailor-made workshops globally, empowering participants with the knowledge to unlock their full healing potential.

A man gives a lecture on Osteopath Hamburg in front of a screen.

Psychosomatic Osteopathy Basic

A woman is being helped in a room by an osteopath.

Psychosomatic Osteopathy Advanced

A group of men are sitting around a table in a room discussing sports osteopathy.

Osteopathy in Pediatrics

A man performs Osteopath Hamburg techniques on a woman's abdomen.

Osteopathy in Sports

A woman is being helped in a room by an osteopath.

Fascia in the osteopathic field

A group of people in a room receive physiotherapy from a physiotherapist specialising in osteopathy in Hamburg.

Osteopathic Sports in stress, ANS, proprioception, peripheral nerves

Check more workshops

Advanced Cranial Osteopathy

CMD/ TMD in the osteopathic field

Treatment of the mouth and tmj disorders in children

Osteopathic approach to the health of the baby and child

An Asian man practises sports osteopathy on a woman by gently touching her head.

ENT & eyes in the osteopathic field

Morphodynamics in Osteopathy

Osteopathic concepts past & present

A man gives a speech on paediatric osteopathy at a conference in Hamburg, Germany.

Osteopathic Application to the Lymphatic System

An osteopath from Hamburg adjusts a woman's back.

Osteopathy and the Immune system

A group of men are sitting around a table in a room discussing sports osteopathy.

Osteopathy applied to the brain


Engage in an enriching exploration of osteopathy with Torsten Liem's captivating webinars, where he shares his profound knowledge and practical insights to empower participants in expanding their understanding of holistic healing.

A woman is examined by a paediatric osteopath.

Osteopathic coaching of the immune system

A man sits at a desk with a laptop in front of him and works on his osteopathy business in Hamburg.

Osteopathic coaching of the Euroendocrine system

An osteopath with glasses stands in front of a sign.

Nutrition in osteopathic treatment


Torsten Liem is a distinguished osteopath and visionary in the realm of holistic health. With a profound understanding of the body's innate healing abilities and an unwavering dedication to promoting well-being, Torsten Liem is transforming lives through the power of osteopathy.
A man sits at a desk with a laptop in front of him and works on his osteopathy business in Hamburg.
An osteopath with glasses stands in front of a sign.

Torsten Liem


  • Foundation of the Osteopathic School Germany
  • Foundation of an osteopathic teaching clinic
  • Foundation of a pediatric osteopathic teaching clinic
  • Development of a M.Sc. program in pediatric osteopathy, a M.Sc. program in osteopathy and sports osteopathy
  • Board member of the German Society for Pediatric Osteopathy
  • Board member of the Osteopathic Research Institute gGmbH
  • Member of the scientific advisory board of the "International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine" and the World Osteopathic Found.
  • Founder of the journal Osteopathic Medicine (Elsevier)
  • Member of the World Osteopathic Health Organization, the American Academy of Osteopathy and the VOSD
  • Registered in the General Osteopathic Council (England)
  • Additionally trained in Acupuncture at the Hospital for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing/China, in NLP and Hypnosis and Trauma Therapy.
  • Lecturer for different yoga styles, e.g. Kundalini, Ashtanga, Sivananda and Yin Yoga
    Currently clinical study for the treatment of athletes
  • Teaching at numerous institutes and schools in Germany and abroad, e.g. in Russia (Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Institute of Osteopathic Medicine/St. Petersburg), England (Symposium, European School of Osteopathy/Maidstone), Argentina, Brazil, Canada, USA etc.
  • Development of new osteopathic treatment approaches such as bifocal integration, etc.
  • Numerous articles and book publications
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Student Reviews

Torsten Liem is an exceptional teacher and his workshops have a profound impact on students, empowering them with valuable skills and transformative experiences in the realm of osteopathy.

Booking inquiry form

Torsten Liem is available for booking workshops and lectures worldwide, bringing his expertise in the field of osteopathy to eager audiences. His engaging teaching style and in-depth knowledge make him a sought-after speaker in the industry. Additionally, Torsten Liem welcomes media inquiries for interviews, podcasts, and collaborations, both in traditional and digital media formats. His insights and expertise are invaluable resources for those seeking a deeper understanding of psychosomatic osteopathy and its transformative potential.
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