In the early fetal period, the cerebrum covers about half of the midbrain.
The separation of the dural limiting layer in the parieto-occipital region extends from the posterior cerebrum to the cranial cerebellum.
The lateral folds of the tentorium cerebelli were distributed between their apex, which coincides with the falx cerebri, and their basal plane, which is located between the midbrain and the rostral hindbrain.
The differences in the directions of growth of the tentorium cerebelli components gradually decrease as the cerebrum covers the midbrain.
A rotation of the tentorium cerebelli was detected in its middle section, corresponding to its growth, which ceased in the mid-fetal period.
The brainstem and cerebellum expand downward by differential growth, while the cerebrum covered them upward.
The morphology of the tentorium cerebelli curved to conform to the cerebellar and cerebral surfaces.
A study by Matsunari et al.
2022 suggests that the morphology of the tentorium cerebelli is influenced by factors that differ especially in the early and middle fetal period.
The available data from Matsunari et al.
2022 show a much more comprehensive picture of tentorium cerebelli formation as a function of fetal developmental stage than previously presented.
The following is a timeline of morphogenesis of the embryonic and fetal brain and tentorium cerebelli (Matsunari et al. 2023).
Abbreviations: Cb: cerebellum; CRL: Crest-rump length, CS: Carnegie stage; Cx: cerebrum; DS: dorsum sellae; FC: falx cerebri; Ib: diencephalon; iv_f: first invagination in the parieto-occipital region; Mb, midbrain; Rh, rostral hindbrain; SNL, superior nuchal line; TC, tentorium cerebelli; pCx: posterior end of the cerebrum; tTC: most cranial part of the cerebellum; bTC: point where the posterolateral part of the TC becomes wide (this is where the bilayered dura mater is divided into its cranial and caudal components); cCb: the most cranial part of the cerebellum Ad [1] The angle pCx_tTC had a negative value.
Ad [2] The iv_f and lateral TC appear separate and extend in different directions.
Ad [3] These phenomena were correlated.
Ad [4] Two indentations and one invagination of the TC; the orientations of the iv_f and lateral TC appear different.
Ad [5] The angle pCx_cCb and bTC_cCb had a negative value.
(CRL >140 mm).
Matsunari C, Kanahashi T, Otani H, Imai H, Yamada S, Okada T, Takakuwa T. Tentorium cerebelli formation during human embryonic and early fetal development.
Anat Rec (Hoboken).
2023 Mar;306(3):515-526.