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Psychology and lifestyle in musculoskeletal disorders

A diagram illustrating the course of fibromyalgia with a focus on Osteopathy Hamburg.
Psychology and lifestyle in musculoskeletal disorders

Biological, psychological, social and often lifestyle factors lie musculoskeletal disorders. Looking at these influences in isolation is probably responsible for a large part of the disappointing treatment effects. A networked view is needed to understand the complexity of these diseases.

Klyne et al. 2021 present a hypothesis that aims to provide a basis for understanding the interaction and integration between these areas. Psychological and lifestyle factors are discussed in their effects on the tissue level (e.g. dysregulation/accumulation of connective tissue). In this context, musculoskeletal disorders are attributed in particular to molecular mechanisms of action of systemic and local inflammatory processes.

Views of the biology and pathology of connective tissue (fibrosis), the role of inflammation at the local level (tissue level) and how this inflammation is shaped by systemic inflammation are discussed, particularly with regard to
psychological and lifestyle factors by means of their influence on systemic inflammation.

It may not really come as a surprise that sleep disorders, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, proinflammatory diet as well as smoking are listed as major lifestyle factors.

Klyne DM, Barbe MF, James G, Hodges PW. Does the Interaction between Local and Systemic Inflammation Provide a Link from Psychology and Lifestyle to Tissue Health in Musculoskeletal Conditions? Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jul 7;22(14):7299. 



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