
If necessary, osteopathic acupuncture or traditional Chinese acupuncture can be used to support osteopathy. The basis is not only the energetic concepts of yin/yang and the five phases of change, pulse and tongue diagnosis, but also findings of peripheral and central sensitisation, as well as scientific studies on the inhibition of pain mediators in the posterior horn of the spinal cord, e.g. in the case of chronic pain, as well as osteopathic knowledge of tissue palpation, somatosensory therapy and osteopathy.For example, in the case of chronic pain, as well as osteopathic knowledge of tissue palpation, somatic dysfunction, viscerosomatic and somatovisceral reflex mechanisms and knowledge of dermatomes, myotomes, viscerotomes, neurotomes, fasciotomes, etc.

By specifically approaching certain osteopathic acupuncture points, the energetic pathways of the body (meridians) as well as the nervous, neurovegetative and hormonal disorder complexes and the associated organ functions can be brought into balance and thus support the recovery process.

  • Firstly, this is achieved by reducing afferent nociceptors. Nociceptors are free sensory nerve endings that generate electrical signals in the event of tissue damage, e.g. due to an injury to a joint or muscle or disruption of an organ.
  • Secondly, injuries or disorders from the past, usually long forgotten, that are associated with the current complaints can be recognised and treated. These - possibly long-ago - disorders enlarged receptor fields in the spinal cord, which led to an increased risk of new pain and increased sensitivity to illness.
  • And thirdly, even more importantly, osteopathic acupuncture also inhibits or downregulates the release of pain mediators in the posterior horn of the spinal cord and thus corrects the transmission of misdirected stimuli to the brain.
A man smiles as he receives acupuncture.
Osteopathy Hamburg

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