Metabolism, Immune and Hormonal System

Metabolic, immune and hormonal systems are inextricably linked and interlocked. The more flexible the metabolic, immune and endocrine systems are, the better you can adapt to the different demands of life, in everyday life, at work, as well as in sports. In the case of dysregulation, on the other hand, they favour the development and maintenance of numerous diseases and disorders of well-being, which usually occur in an unclear, contradictory, seemingly incoherent and inexplicable manner and are difficult to describe. Indications are e.g.t

  • Disturbed sleep
  • Tiredness after eating
  • Pain that does not want to heal or keeps recurring
  • Concentration problems
  • Exhaustion
  • Weight regulation disorder
  • Depressive moods
  • Cycle and menopausal problems
  • Disturbed libido
  • Infertility
  • Digestive disorders
  • Chronic disease patterns such as diabetes, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatic diseases, etc.
  • Disease patterns
  • Disturbances in weight control
A woman in a white bikini stands in front of a molecule and presents Osteopathie Hamburg.

In most cases, a number of factors are causally involved. For example, the immune system can force the thyroid gland to release more rT3 - a thyroid hormone - and thus put the rest of the metabolism into hibernation. This is good in acute illness, but not in the long term. It then manifests itself, among other things, in chronically cold hands and feet, difficulties getting pregnant, or a chronic undersupply of organs.

Also, finely tuned hormonal feedback mechanisms can become disorganised. For example, chronic stress leads to cortisol resistance - a reduced sensitivity, in the sensing elements - with increased blood cortisol levels.

Furthermore, the metabolism can be stressed if the body gets most of its energy from bread, pasta and sweets over a long period of time. This not only overloads the pancreas, which has to produce far too much insulin, but also causes our energy level to fluctuate constantly, we are often tired and inflammatory processes are fuelled.

Only a profound anamnesis and examination can reveal possible connections here. The osteopathic treatment of a patient, which is based on the metabolic/immune/hormone model of osteopathy, is aimed at normalising these essential functions again.

We explain the connections and clinically relevant interactions and find solutions to alleviate your complaints and support your healing. For example, the nerves and vascular supply and fascial references of the endocrine glands and posture are treated. In addition, the treatment takes into account life circumstances, such as pathogen and toxin exposures, low-grade inflammation, microbiome, social and emotional stress, as well as lifestyle factors such as sleep-wake rhythm, exercise, sitting time and diet.

The better you know the health-promoting and disease-causing factors regarding these systems, the more consciously you can make the right decisions for yourself and your health.

Osteopathy Hamburg

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