Health check

A group of people are sitting at a table holding a green paper with the word "healthy" on it.

Health check, coaching and prevention

How can we get out of a cycle of lack of energy and illness? How can we find our way to a lifestyle that is healthy and enjoyable? What "way of life" - would be the right one for me?

"Finding health is the doctor's job. Anyone can find illness" is a famous quote from the founder of osteopathy. In fact, you can do much more for your health than you probably suspect. Research shows that lifestyle factors are one of the most important determinants of well-being and health on the one hand and unwellness and illness on the other. More than 80 % of all chronic diseases could be prevented by implementing a healthy lifestyle according to studies by Bodai et al. 2015; Hyman et al. 2009; Ford et al. 2009.

It is our goal to support you in giving you the right information for this and to inspire you to consciously take responsibility for your life.

We also work with you to find the information you need to find your own personal answer to your question, e.g. what your lifestyle should look like in the future in order to heal, be happy and achieve and maintain high performance.

By means of the consistent application of the five osteopathic models, we accompany you on the path to optimising your well-being and health.

See for yourself and take advantage of our expertise for a 12 Step Health Check or health coaching.

  • Statics
  • Movement
  • Nutrition and digestion
  • Body barriers: Skin, mouth, intestine, lungs
  • Neurovegetative axis: relaxation-stress balance
  • Metabolic axis
  • Immune axis and cold inflammation
  • Hormone axis
  • Energy axis
  • Biorhythm and sleep
  • Performance
  • Psychological resilience
You can also take a look at our free Health blog get inspired and informed. This is constantly updated.
Osteopathy Hamburg

With my blog I would like to make the field of holistic health consisting of expert knowledge and practical insights on MIND, BODY and LIFESTYLE accessible to the general public.

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