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Osteopathy and respiratory diseases: Natural approaches to support lung function

A black man with a cough on a grey background undergoing sports osteopathy treatment.
Osteopathy and respiratory diseases: Natural approaches to support lung function

The ability to breathe is essential for our well-being and health. However, respiratory problems such as asthma and chronic bronchitis can significantly affect quality of life. In such cases, osteopathy can be a natural and holistic way to support lung function. In this article we will take a closer look at how osteopathy can improve breathing and what breathing exercises can help support lung function.


 Osteopathy to improve breathing


Osteopathy is a holistic approach that aims to promote physical health by releasing blockages and restrictions in the body. Osteopathy can play a supportive role in respiratory problems such as asthma or chronic bronchitis.


  1. Relaxation of the respiratory muscles: Osteopathic techniques can help to reduce tension in the respiratory muscles. This can increase the freedom of movement of the airways and make breathing easier.


  1. Improving mobility: Osteopathic manipulations can help improve the mobility of the ribs, rib cage and spine. Improved mobility can facilitate breathing mechanics and promote more efficient breathing.


  1. Promoting relaxation: Stress can exacerbate respiratory problems. Osteopathy can help relieve physical tension and influence the autonomic nervous system, which can lead to better relaxation and stress management.


 Breathing exercises to support lung function


In addition to osteopathic treatment, breathing exercises can be a valuable addition to improve lung function and manage respiratory problems.


  1. Deep abdominal breathing: Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply so that your belly expands. Then exhale slowly. This type of breathing promotes relaxation and improves gas exchange in the lungs.


  1. Lip brake: Exhale slowly through slightly pursed lips as if you were blowing out a candle. This technique helps to keep the airways open and lengthen the exhalation.


  1. Pursed-lip breathing: Inhale slowly through the nose and then exhale slowly through slightly pursed lips. This can help keep the airways open and strengthen the respiratory muscles.




Respiratory problems can significantly affect quality of life, but there are natural approaches to support lung function. Osteopathy offers a holistic method to improve breathing by releasing blockages and promoting flexibility of the body. In combination with breathing exercises, people with respiratory problems can effectively support their breathing and improve their quality of life. Nevertheless, it is important to consult qualified professionals for severe respiratory problems and to consider individual needs.


About us

Welcome to the Liem Osteopathy Centre! As an experienced team of osteopaths, physiotherapists and naturopaths, we offer you well-founded treatment tailored to your individual needs and complaints. We focus on a holistic approach to the body and do not just treat symptoms, but look for the causes. Our multifaceted approach includes osteopathic, acupuncture and functional medicine procedures. Osteopathy is a holistic approach to treatment for adults, children, athletes and also specifically for pregnant women. Through targeted therapy and counselling, we support you in maintaining or regaining your health. We look forward to welcoming you to our osteopathy practice in Hamburg! Call us at 040/393514 or make an appointment at our Contact page.

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