A rectangular green logo with the text "LEM" in large, vertically stacked white letters. Below "LEM" are the words "INSTITUT | Osteopathie in Hamburg" in smaller white capital letters.

Treating children is simple and deep

Eine Frau mit Maske kümmert sich in Hamburg um ein Baby auf einem Tisch.
Treating children is simple and deep

Treating children is simple and deep

Newborns tell their pre-, peri- and postnatal history, possible trauma experiences and dysfunctions through gestures, posture, facial expressions and other signs. A trained perception enables treatment approaches, as well as the sequence, progression and termination of therapeutic touch sequences. 

This treatment can be further deepened by the integration of music and sounds. In fact, depending on the music, people perceive touch differently. In that music seems to modify the perception of touch stimuli, as studies suggest, specifically coordinated palpations, music, and sounds may potentiate each other’s effects.

Thus, music- and touch-evoked brain plasticities are stimulated and promote „transcendental inner experiences“. The more individually adapted these are executed, synchronizations can promote a deeper opening and integration.

In this way, consciously and sensitively coordinated sounds and touch favor the integration and dissolution of somato-energetic-emotional dysfunctional patterns.

Caring with open heart, open mind and open hands is the key of a meaningful osteopathic treatment

Neugeborene erzählen durch Gestik, Körperhaltung, Mimik und weitere Zeichen ihre prä-,
peri- und postnatale Geschichte, mögliche Traumaerfahrungen und Dysfunktionen.
Ein geschultes Wahrnehmen ermöglicht Behandlungszugänge, wie auch Ablauf, Verlauf und Beendigung von therapeutischen Berührungssequenzen.

Diese Behandlung kann durch die Integration von Musik und Klängen zusätzlich vertieft werden. Tatsächlich nehmen Menschen, je nach Musik, Berührungen unterschiedlich wahr. Indem Musik die Wahrnehmung von Berührungsreizen zu modifizieren scheint, wie Studien nahelegen, können gezielt aufeinander abgestimmte Palpationen, Musik und Klänge sich in ihrer Wirkung gegenseitig potenzieren.

So werden musik- und berührungsevozierte Hirnplastizitäten angeregt und begünstigen „transzendentale innere Erfahrungen“. Je individuell angepasster diese ausgeführt werden, können Synchronisierungen ein tieferes Öffnen und Integrieren gefördert werden.

Auf diese Weise begünstigen bewusst und feinfühlig aufeinander abgestimmte Klänge und Berührung, die Integration und Auflösung von somato-energetischen-emotional dysfunktionsmustern.

Caring with open heart, open mind and open hands is the key of a meaningful osteopathic treatment,


Close-up of a person receiving a foot massage. Two hands gently hold the ankle and foot, with a white towel in the background. The scene depicts a relaxing and therapeutic moment, reminiscent of the attention given to the growth dynamics of the craniocervical junction.
This systematic review and meta-analysis highlights the effectiveness of manual therapy in improving ankle range of motion and stability among older adults. An average increase of 11.3 degrees in ankle mobility and enhancements in monopodal and static balance were observed. While the study supports the use of manual therapy, it emphasizes the need for further research on dosage parameters and calls for individualized treatment approaches in clinical practice to optimize outcomes for older patients.
One person lies face up on the floor with their eyes closed while another person in a button-down shirt gently places their hands on the craniocervical junction and head.
This study delves into the growth dynamics of the craniocervical junction (CCJ) from birth to 18 years, using advanced geometric modelling techniques. By analyzing age-related changes, covariation patterns, and suture closure, the research provides crucial insights into the coordinated growth between skull and neck structures. These findings could significantly enhance early diagnosis and the development of patient-specific models for treating abnormalities in craniofacial and cervical spine development.
A living room with a brown leather armchair on the left, a large plant in a pot in the centre and a white bookshelf on the right. On the floor is a purple yoga mat with the text "hip stretch" in the centre for an effective hip stretch.
Find out how you can improve your hip mobility and relieve tension in the pelvic and abdominal area with simple stretching exercises. Perfect for everyday life!

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