
Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System fascia (SMAS): Anatomy and treatment.

Diagramm, das die Klassifizierung der Gesichtsmuskeln zeigt, die mit der Faszie des oberflächlichen muskuloaponeurotischen Systems verbunden sind, kategorisiert nach ihrer Nähe zu Augen, Nase und Mund.
Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System fascia (SMAS): Anatomy and treatment.

SMAS of the superficial fascia of the face:

– Fibroelastic: more thin-layered toward the periphery; in youth, rich in elastic fibers which become progressively less during aging.

– It forms a fibromuscular network in the face region, since all the mimetic muscles are invested and linked via the SMAS.

– Thus the SMAS is sometimes seen in phylogenetic terms as a platysma.

– The superficial fascia acts in as a kind of central point of attachment for the mimetic muscles, acting to modulate and transmit muscle tensions and convey movements to the skin.

– In the face region, the superficial adipose tissue is generally thin and interwoven with muscle fibers of the mimetic muscles.

– The deep adipose tissue separates the SMAS from the deep fascia. Horizontally-running septa act as buffers for the deep-lying muscles. Another function is to separate the contractions of the deeply situated masticatory muscles from the superficially lying mimetic muscles.

– The depth of the deep adipose tissue varies. Especially in the cheek, it is strong and rich in fat, while in the region of the parotid gland it is absent (here, the SMAS lies directly adjacent to the deep fascia). In the region of the zygomatic arch and nasolabial groove it is very thin. Here, the buccinator and zygomaticus muscles pass through the deep adipose tissue and link the deep and superficial fascia.

– Connections:

 – Caudad, with the platysma.

 – Cephalad, with the epicranial aponeurosis and superficial temporoparietal fascia.

 – Toward the surface, with the dermis via the vertical superficial skin ligaments situated in the superficial adipose tissue; the elasticity of these septa and of the superficial fascia reduces in aging, leading to ptosis of the skin.

 – Toward deeper-lying regions, with the deep fascia of the face via the horizontal elastic deep skin ligaments in the deep adipose tissue.





Abbildung eines Querschnitts einer menschlichen Nase mit den folgenden Schichten: Haut, Schleimhaut, oberflächliches Muskel-aponeurotisches System, Haltebänder, Periaosteum und tiefe Faszie. Beschriftungen zur Vereinfachung enthalten.



Fig. 1 from: https://plasticsurgerykey.com/facial-aging-and-anatomy-of-the-facial-nerve/


Treatment of SMAS

Hand position: (Figure 4.23).

  • Points of connection between superficial and deep fasciae These can be assessed and treated in the region of the zygomatic arch, parotid gland, and anterior masseter muscle (Figure 4.22).
  1. The SMAS of the superficial fascia of the face can be treated by mobilization of the mimetic muscles 
  2. Ask the patient to grimace the face against the resistance of the hands. The hands are aligned with the SMAS layer.

Ein medizinischer Fachmann in blauer Uniform führt an einer liegenden Frau eine Gesichtsmassage durch, wobei er sich auf Wangen und Stirn konzentriert. Die Massage gilt als Behandlung der oberflächlichen Muskel-Aponeurotischen-Faszie des Gesichts.

Check Liem 2023


Cover des Buches „Cranial Osteopathy: Principles and Practice Volume One“ von Torsten Liem, das ein goldenes, stilisiertes menschliches Gesicht mit Details der Faszie des oberflächlichen muskuloaponeurologischen Systems vor schwarzem Hintergrund zeigt.







Update of Criteria for Childhood functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs)

Symptom-Based Diagnosis: The Rome IV criteria emphasize diagnosing functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) in children and adolescents based on symptoms rather than the exclusion of organic diseases. The phrase „no evidence of an inflammatory, anatomic, metabolic, or neoplastic process“ has been removed, allowing for selective or no testing to support a positive diagnosis.

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