In this insightful interview, Marcel Andrade de Paula sits down with renowned osteopath Torsten Liem to discuss the origins and importance of psychosomatic osteopathy. As a holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional health, psychosomatic osteopathy has become increasingly relevant in the clinical context. Join us as we delve into its role in pain management, practical treatment examples, and the specialized training required to master this discipline.
Before diving into the core of our discussion, we invite you to watch the full interview for a comprehensive understanding of psychosomatic osteopathy. Click the link below to view the video and gain valuable insights from Torsten Liem.
Interview with Torsten Liem on Psychosomatic Osteopathy
To complement the interview, here are some practical guidelines on implementing psychosomatic osteopathy techniques:
- Holistic Assessment: Evaluate both physical and psychological factors contributing to the patient’s condition.
- Multimodal Bifocal Integration: Employ this technique to address both musculoskeletal and emotional components simultaneously.
- Case Studies: Review documented treatment examples to understand the practical application and outcomes.
- Ongoing Training: Engage in continuous education to stay updated on the latest methodologies and research in psychosomatic osteopathy.
Das Osteopathie Selbsthilfe Buch direkt bei Amazon bestellen
Das neueste Buch von Torsten Liem. Der Autor ist bekannt und geschätzt für seine fundierten Fachbücher; auch Osteopathie-Ratgeber/Sachbücher hat er seit mehr als 20 Jahren am Markt.