The logo of the health blog with the words "Torsten Lem" and the emphasis on sports osteopathy.

The 4-7-8 method incl. video

The 4-7-8 Method
The 4-7-8 method incl. video
The method was described by the American doctor and author Andrew Weil. It is said to noticeably improve falling asleep after only 4-6 weeks of twice-daily practice:

The 4-7-8 Method

Execution: The 4-7-8 Method

Tongue position: Touch the tip of the tongue to the palate just behind the front incisors. The tongue should remain positioned there throughout the exercise.

Exhaling through the mouth: Breathe out completely and audibly through the mouth.

Inhale through the nose: With your mouth closed, inhale slowly through your nose while counting to four in your head.

Breath stop: Then hold your breath and count to seven in your head.

Exhale through the mouth: Breathe out completely and audibly through the mouth, counting to eight.

Perform steps 1 to 5 a total of four times in succession.

On the one hand, this method increases the intake of oxygen (4 counts inhalation), secondly, the oxygen can be better distributed (7 counts breath stop) and through the prolonged exhalation (8 counts), the heart slows down and carbon dioxide is increasingly exhaled from the lungs. In addition, by concentrating on the breathing, the thoughts come to rest.

Order the Osteopathy Self-Help Book directly from Amazon

The latest book by Torsten Liem. The author is known and appreciated for his well-founded specialist books; he has also had osteopathy guidebooks/non-fiction books on the market for more than 20 years.


Diagramm, das die Klassifizierung der Gesichtsmuskeln zeigt, die mit der Faszie des oberflächlichen muskuloaponeurotischen Systems verbunden sind, kategorisiert nach ihrer Nähe zu Augen, Nase und Mund.
The SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) supports facial muscles and skin. Rich in elastic fibers when young, it diminishes with age, causing sagging. Mobilizing the SMAS through muscle resistance exercises can enhance facial tone, maintaining a youthful appearance. For detailed methods, see Liem's "Cranial Osteopathy: Principles and Practice."
Ein Mann in weißem Hemd und grauer Hose macht Burpees auf einer lila Yogamatte in einem modernen Wohnzimmer. Im Hintergrund sind ein braunes Ledersofa, ein weißes Bücherregal voller Bücher und ein gerahmtes Porträt zu sehen.
Entdecke, wie Burpees dir helfen können, deine Fitness zu steigern, Krankheiten vorzubeugen und dein allgemeines Wohlbefinden zu verbessern.
Eine Person im weißen Hemd hält sich vor grauem Hintergrund den unteren Rücken, der durch einen roten Schimmer hervorgehoben ist, der auf chronische Rückenschmerzen im Lendenbereich hinweist.
Trotz zahlreicher Therapieansätze in den letzten Jahrzehnten leiden viele Menschen weiterhin unter diesen Schmerzen, ohne dass bisher wirklich effektive Lösungen gefunden wurden. Es wird immer deutlicher, dass chronische Schmerzen multikausalen Einflüssen unterliegen.

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