Logo of the osteo-health blog with paediatric osteopathy.
As an osteopath in Hamburg, I meet people struggling with pain every day. Pain is a complex and profound experience that goes far beyond the purely physical.
In this insightful video, Torsten Liem gives valuable advice on how to start the day energised and focused during the winter months. He emphasises ...
In the fascinating world of osteopathy, the latest scientific paper "Neurophysiology Neuro-Immune Interactions and Mechanobiology in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: An Evidence-Informed Perspective ...
The article is a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for gastrointestinal disorders in term and preterm infants. Nine ...
A 2019 systematic review investigated whether visceral manipulation is beneficial for patients with low back pain. A total of four RCTs of moderate to good ...
A 2019 systematic review investigated whether visceral manipulation is beneficial for patients with low back pain. A total of four RCTs of moderate to good ...
Eine Frühgeburt erhöht das Risiko für die Entwicklung verschiedener langfristiger Gesundheitsprobleme und Entwicklungsstörungen erheblich. Berührung ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil vieler perinataler Versorgungsstrategien. ...
People aged between 18-40 should be able to squeeze at least 35kg for about 30 seconds, older people may be able to squeeze less. The duration ...
The limitations of isolated biomechanical considerations have been discussed for some time, including in osteopathic discourses. Moreover, biomechanical loads do not differ significantly from people suffering from back pain ...
Discover five powerful exercises to strengthen the anterior, posterior, lateral and internal muscle chains - all you need is a chair! Whether you ...
Noziplastic pain is the semantic term proposed by the international community of pain researchers to describe a third category of pain, which is characterised by ...
This exercise should help you to fall asleep within 2 minutes in almost any posture, even when sitting. Exercise for restful sleep From: ...
The aim of these exercises is to open up the breathing space, enable fuller and deeper breathing, improve blood circulation and mobility in the chest area ...
Die 4–7–8-Methode. Die Methode wurde vom amerikanischen Arzt und Autor Andrew Weil beschrieben. Bereits nach 4–6 Wochen zweimaliger täglicher Übung soll sie spürbar das Einschlafen ...
A study by Maroto-Rodriguez and colleagues (2023) on 10,799 people aged 40 to 75 from the British Biobank cohort, proves: Mediterranean lifestyle is ...
Kontrollierte Atemübungen, wie Seufzen, haben sich als potenzielle Hilfsmittel für Stressmanagement und Wohlbefinden erwiesen. Eines der Hauptunterscheidungsmerkmale der gängigen Atemtechniken ist die Betonung der relativen ...
Eine Übung zur Harmonisierung und Beruhigung: Sie können die Übung nutzen, um Ihre Beweglichkeit, Kraft und Koordination zu prüfen und zu schulen. ...
The exercise was developed in the 1990s by Brazilian sports physician Claudio Gil Soares de Araújo and his wife Denise, a sports scientist, to improve the mobility of ...

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Trembling against stress - incl. self-help videos

Discover two unique relaxation techniques on our latest blog post: 'Muscle tremors lying down' and 'Muscle tremors standing up'. These videos show you how to release muscle tension and rejuvenate your body through simple exercises at home. Ideal for those looking for effective methods for relaxation and mindfulness. Watch the videos and learn more about the benefits of these techniques!

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The 4-7-8 method incl. video

Die 4–7–8-Methode.
The method was described by the American doctor and author Andrew Weil. It is said to noticeably improve falling asleep after only 4-6 weeks of twice-daily practice:

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