The logo of the health blog with the words "Torsten Lem" and the emphasis on sports osteopathy.

The four breath openers incl. video

The four breath openers
The four breath openers incl. video
The aim of these exercises is to open up the breathing space, enable fuller and deeper breathing, improve blood circulation and mobility in the chest area and synchronise breathing and body movements with each other. It gently invigorates the whole body. Blockages in the chest area can be released. In addition, the exercises strengthen attention and calm the mind.

The four breath openers


The feet are parallel to each other, shoulder-width apart. The knees are loose and slightly bent. Jaws and shoulders are relaxed. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. The eyes are relaxed and open. Remain relaxed as long as you practise. The tongue is gently placed against the palate behind the incisors.


Perform the following four exercises 3 times each. You can also watch the sequence of exercises shown (and others) as a video on my health blog.

Step 1

Place the hands on top of each other about 1.5 cm below the navel (starting position) ➊.

Inhaling bring the bent arms in front of the body with the palms facing upwards to about 10 cm above the head.

With the exhalation bring the arms back to the starting position in front of the body with the palms facing down.

Step 2

While inhaling from the starting position, bring the arms up in front of the body, palms facing upwards at first, fingers pointing towards each other. In the course of the upward movement place the backs of the hands together and point the fingers upwards. Then, in front of the forehead, turn the hands so that the palms first face each other and then face forward and bring the arms stretched above the head.

With the exhalation the hands separate from each other, the palms turn outwards ➋ and the arms are brought back down in an arc. The arms are not fully extended. The palms first point downwards and then backwards.

The Four Breath Openers - The Four Breath Openers 1 & 2

Step 3

In the starting position, during inhalation raise the slightly stretched arms sideways in an arc to shoulder height, then bend the elbows. The palms first point forward ➌ and then turn upwards.

Above the head, the arms perform a kind of semicircle, with the fingers of both hands coming together and touching lightly.

With the exhalation bring the bent arms back to the starting position in front of the body with the palms facing the body in a downward movement.

Step 4

While inhaling bring the bent arms in front of the body with the palms facing upwards to chest or shoulder height.

With the exhalation press the palms to the side against imaginary walls ➍ and then bring the hands back to the starting position.

At the end of the exercise sequence, you can close your eyes for a moment and feel inside.

Two images of a woman performing an arm stretch.

Order the Osteopathy Self-Help Book directly from Amazon

The latest book by Torsten Liem. The author is known and appreciated for his well-founded specialist books; he has also had osteopathy guidebooks/non-fiction books on the market for more than 20 years.


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Eine Person macht in einem Raum eine Plank-Übung auf einer violetten Matte. Sie liegt mit ausgestreckten Armen und ausgestreckten Beinen auf dem Boden, was der Ausgangsposition der Frogger-Übung ähnelt. Der Raum enthält einen braunen Ledersessel, eine große Pflanze, ein weißes Bücherregal mit Büchern und ein gerahmtes Foto an der Wand.
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