The logo of the health blog with the words "Torsten Lem" and the emphasis on sports osteopathy.


A shirtless man sitting on a rock and practising sports osteopathy.
An exercise for harmonisation and calming: You can use the exercise to test and train your flexibility, strength and coordination.
The cover of the osteopathic self-life book with Osteopathie Hamburg.
The Osteopathy Self-Help BookTorsten Liem with Christine Tsolodimos296 pages, softcoverTrias 2022ISBN: 978-3-432-11418-7€ 29.99 The Osteopathy Self-Help Book How osteopathy works and promotes self-healing. With exercises
A woman enjoys a run on the beach at sunset.
The topic of fasting training is on everyone's lips right now, because many people expect it to improve their metabolism. Many athletes also hope to improve their performance. In this blog article, we explain what this form of nutrition and exercise is all about and what you should bear in mind. We will give you an insight into the scientific background and physiological processes that take place in the body during fasting training.
A woman laughs as she showers, savouring the refreshing water and the blissful moment.
Strong short stimuli such as cold showers, heat and sweating, short intense physical activities etc. are very beneficial for the immune system and many other body systems. Cold applications in autumn can additionally prepare your body for the cold winter season.
A group of business people enjoy fun and paediatric osteopathy by playfully jumping in the air.
Excessive sitting is a serious health risk (Hamilton et al 2008). Increased sitting time leads to an increasingly higher risk of mortality from all causes (Katzmarzyk 2009). Tip:Interrupt

Die Bedeutung des Eight Sleep Pod auf meiner Reise für einen gesunden Schlaf

Jahrzehntelang priorisierte ich meine Arbeit über den Schlaf und kämpfte mit wenigen Stunden Nachtruhe. Der Eight Sleep Pod, ein smarter Matratzenbezug, verbesserte durch Temperaturregelung und Schlafüberwachung meine Schlafqualität. Trotz einiger Anpassungen, wie der Anschaffung einer neuen Matratze, bemerkte ich eine Verbesserung meiner Schlafdauer. Besonders hilfreich war die unabhängige Temperaturregelung für mich und meine Frau. Allerdings stören mich die Geräusche des Geräts und die ungenauen Schlafdaten. Trotzdem bleibt der Eight Sleep Pod ein wertvoller Teil meines Weges zu besserem Schlaf.

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Einsichten aus meinen täglichen Meditationen – Torsten Liem

Mein Geist ist ein Dschungel voller wilder Gedanken. Meditation erweist sich als sanfter Führer in dieser Wildnis, trennt das Chaos und bringt Klarheit. Verbindungen werden sichtbar, Gedanken und Gefühle beobachte ich ohne Bewertung. Der Dschungel gedeiht, atmet in Harmonie, und selbst im dichtesten Dickicht finde ich Frieden und Gelassenheit.

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Biological effects following Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

In a groundbreaking review, Dal Farra et al. (2024) systematically map the biological effects of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) across various body systems, with a particular focus on neurophysiological and musculoskeletal changes. The study, which followed rigorous scoping review guidelines and included 146 studies, underscores the growing interest in OMT research over the past two decades. While the findings suggest that OMT has significant therapeutic potential, particularly in neurophysiological and musculoskeletal health, the review also highlights the need for more standardized research to confirm these effects and their clinical relevance. Explore the detailed insights and future research directions outlined in this comprehensive review.

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